Why contribute

If you have been in the PowerShell community for a while, you may noticed how friendly and helpful the community is. The PowerShell community is a great place to learn and grow as a professional. Dozens of community members share they knowledge and experience through blogs, videos, and conference presentations. Many of the latest features and improvements to PowerShell are written by community members.

Easier than contributing to the PowerShell source code

Contributing to the source code is a great way to contribute to the PowerShell project, but it’s not the only way. Contributing to the documentation can be an easier way to contribute to the PowerShell project. You may not be proficient in C# or even consider yourself a developer, but you can use your PowerShell skills to contribute to help improve the documentation.

Improve the documentation for everyone

As a user of the documentation, you know the frustrations of trying to find the information you need to learn how to use a cmdlet or troubleshoot an issue. You can help eliminate these frustrations for everyone by contributing to the documentation.

Recognition in the community

Community members who contribute to the documentation are recognized in the monthly Community Updates and the Community contributor Hall of Fame. Your contributions are also recognized by the Microsoft MVP Program, which can help you become a Microsoft MVP.

Easy way to learn about GitHub and Markdown

If you are new to GitHub and Markdown, contributing to the documentation is a great way to learn and practice these skills. This is also a great way to improve your technical writing skills. These skills are becoming more important as more companies are moving to a DevOps model. Learning and improving these skills can help you advance your career.