Installing posh-git

posh-git is a PowerShell module that integrates Git with PowerShell. It provides Git status summary information that’s displayed in a customized PowerShell prompt. posh-git also provides tab completion support for git commands, branch names, paths, and more.

For more information, see:

Install posh-git using the following command:

Install-Module posh-git

Add the following command to your profile script.

Import-Module posh-git

Using posh-git

Once posh-git is installed and imported, you’ll see Git status summary information in your prompt.

Animation showing the posh-git user experience

Understanding the posh-git prompt

The Git status summary information provides a wealth of “Git status” information at a glance, all the time in your prompt.

By default, the status summary has the following format:

[{HEAD-name} S +A ~B -C !D | +E ~F -G !H W]
  • [ (BeforeStatus)

  • {HEAD-name} is the current branch, or the SHA of a detached HEAD

    • Cyan means the branch matches its remote
    • Green means the branch is ahead of its remote (green light to push)
    • Red means the branch is behind its remote
    • Yellow means the branch is both ahead of and behind its remote
  • S represents the branch status in relation to the remote (tracked origin) branch.

    Note: This status information reflects the state of the remote tracked branch after the last git fetch/pull of the remote. Execute git fetch to update to the latest on the default remote repo. If you have multiple remotes, execute git fetch --all.

    • = The local branch is at the same commit level as the remote branch (BranchIdenticalStatus)
    • ↑<num> = The local branch is ahead of the remote branch by the specified number of commits; a git push is required to update the remote branch (BranchAheadStatus)
    • ↓<num> = The local branch is behind the remote branch by the specified number of commits; a git pull is required to update the local branch (BranchBehindStatus)
    • <a>↕<b> = The local branch is both ahead of the remote branch by the specified number of commits (a) and behind by the specified number of commits (b); a rebase of the local branch is required before pushing local changes to the remote branch (BranchBehindAndAheadStatus). NOTE: this status is only available if $GitPromptSettings.BranchBehindAndAheadDisplay is set to Compact.
    • × = The local branch is tracking a branch that is gone from the remote (BranchGoneStatus)
  • ABCD represent the index; | (DelimStatus); EFGH represent the working directory

    • + = Added files
    • ~ = Modified files
    • - = Removed files
    • ! = Conflicted files
    • As with git status output, index status is displayed in dark green and working directory status in dark red
  • W represents the overall status of the working directory

    • ! = There are unstaged changes in the working tree (LocalWorkingStatusSymbol)
    • ~ = There are uncommitted changes i.e. staged changes in the working tree waiting to be committed (LocalStagedStatusSymbol)
    • None = There are no unstaged or uncommitted changes to the working tree (LocalDefaultStatusSymbol)
  • ] (AfterStatus)

The symbols and surrounding text can be customized by the corresponding properties on $GitPromptSettings.

For example, a status of [main ≡ +0 ~2 -1 | +1 ~1 -0] corresponds to the following git status:

# On branch main
# Changes to be committed:
#   (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
#        modified:   this-changed.txt
#        modified:   this-too.txt
#        deleted:    gone.ps1
# Changed but not updated:
#   (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
#   (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
#        modified:   not-staged.ps1
# Untracked files:
#   (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
#        new.file